GAMBICA publishes survey report on member priorities post EU referendum
06 September 2016
GAMBICA has published a report that summarises the priorities and planned actions of its members following the UK voting to leave the European Union. Over the months of July and August 2016, GAMBICA ran a survey with member companies and this report analyses the results.
In terms of priorities, Access to the Single Market came out as highest by a clear margin, ranked number one by 79% of participants and in the top 3 by 92% of participants. It was also ranked number one priority by all sizes of company and both manufacturers and non-manufacturers.
Access to Skilled Workers came out as the next priority, especially for manufacturers and medium / large companies. Influence on Standards was also in the top 3, for both small and large companies and again particularly for manufacturers.
In terms of actions in the shorter term, there was a theme of employment freezes, exchange rate monitoring and postponements of investment decisions. Longer term, the high level of uncertainty is a cause for questioning future investment, expansion and partnerships.

The results of the survey give GAMBICA a clear direction for all our areas of operation, whether we are influencing government policy, regulation or standards. We know that access to the single market and skilled labour are critical in bringing stability and that both standards and regulation are essential to support that goal.