Gambica Staff

You can contact individuals at GAMBICA directly using the details below or connect with GAMBICA's social media channels using the links on the right.

Steve Brambley, Chief Executive

Phone: 020 7642 8090
Mobile: 07587 090 503
Email: [email protected]



Sarah Wicks,  Membership & Office Manager
Phone: 020 7642 8080
Mobile: 07587 081 925


Sonia Dougall, Association Group Co-ordinator
Phone: 020 7642 8093
Mobile: 07788 292 842
Andy Evans, Technical Director
Phone: 020 7642 8083
Mobile: 07766 526 086


Nikesh Mistry, Sector Head - Industrial Automation / Test & Measurement
 Phone: 020 7642 8094
Mobile: 07826 845 773


Scott Pepper, Sector Head - Process Instrumentation & Control
Phone: 020 7642 8095
Mobile: 07584 212 032
Jacqueline Balian, Sector Head - Laboratory Technology
Phone: 07990 016421


Kirsty Roberts, International Events Manager
Phone: 020 7642 8086
Mobile: 07587 081 026
Helena Robinson, Statistics Manager
Phone: 020 7642 8088
Mobile: 07587 083 889


Ruby Smyth, Communications Manager
Phone: 020 7642 8088 
Mobile: 07483 029143


Sally Edgington, AXREM Chief Executive Officer 
Phone: 07717 058649
Melanie Johnson, AXREM Co-ordinator

Mobile: 07483 029142 
Email: [email protected]





Donna Eade, AXREM Marketing Assistant

Mobile: 07789 503952 
Email: [email protected]





Naomi Bedford, AXREM Membership Engagement Administration Assistant

Mobile: 07985 413514 
Email: [email protected]