11 March 2021, Online

GAMBICA’s Measurement and Control Information Exchange System (MACIES) will be taking place via an online meeting for the first time in its 24 year history, making it even easier for contributors to participate.

The MACIES UK market survey has been conducted by GAMBICA on behalf of its members for more than 20 years. The survey process harvests data from key UK suppliers, with the objective of establishing market size, by revenue and units, across a wide range of specifically defined product groups, and across the full spectrum of process industries. The resulting ‘MACIES Report’ is widely acknowledged as one of the most thorough and credible market surveys in the PIC sector world-wide.

The incorporation of an overview of current economic trends in the UK and around the world from one of the global leaders in macroeconomic forecaseting, Oxford Economics, provides contributors with the context to allow effective utilisation of data to make meaningful business decisions.

More details can be found on the link below, including the MACIES Rules of Submission, Definitions & Guidelines and an FAQ (these are subject to change):


For more details please contact Scott Pepper ([email protected]), Helena Robinson ([email protected]) or Sarah Wicks ([email protected]).

Note: GAMBICA operates a range of statistics collections on behalf of industry and exercises strict confidentiality rules to protect individual company data and the availability of the collated data. The data is collected off-site and not shared with any other contributors or GAMBICA employees.  The results are only released to contributors.