Upcoming GAMBICA Events May 24

GAMBICA Economic forecast| Online | 10 June, 9.30 am

AS PART of our efforts to share knowledge within our community, GAMBICA commissions an economic forecast from Oxford Economics, focusing on the industries and global regions that members supply into.

Those who book a place to attend the live webinar, will receive a digital copy of the report.

The cost of the report to GAMBICA members is £160 + VAT per company (£375 + VAT for non-members.) After you have registered for the report and webinar, each company will be able to reserve up to two further places on the live webinar and you will also be able to share the recording much wider within your company.

To book your place, click here.


GAMBICA Export Group: Principals, agents and distributors and the latest on China | Goodfellow Cambridge | 18 June, 13.30

THIS EVENT is your chance to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in exporting to China and make sure you avoid legal risks when dealing with distributors.

Join us at Goodfellow Cambridge Ltd on 18 June, for valuable insights and networking opportunities and to learn about the issues arising in 2024 when dealing with principals, agents, and distributors.

Please let us know you are attending for catering numbers as we will be starting with lunch at 13.30. To let us know, please click here.


Efficient selling – shared cost course | GAMBICA offices, London | 9 July, 9.30

A DYNAMIC training course to boost your sales skills is being offered as the latest in the series of GAMBICA shared-cost training courses. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, this in-person event at the GAMBICA offices in London is the perfect opportunity to learn new strategies, network with industry experts, and take your selling game to the next level.

The efficient selling skills course is prepared and delivered by specialist lab sales training company, George James. George James works with all the major life sciences hubs globally and has representatives in the UK, France, Switzerland and Germany.

The program is highly interactive with practical exercises and group work and includes;

  • The relationship between change and success
  • The Sales Process: the importance of harmonising with the customer’s buying process, and best practice sales opportunity management
  • Qualification: the importance of rigorous qualification from lead to sales opportunity
  • Planning & Prioritising: developing a customer classification framework, effective use of your scheduler and a customer call plan
  • Prospecting: how to prospect effectively.

This is a shared-cost training course from GAMBICA and cost per person is dependent on how many people book . If we have 12 delegates the cost will be around £200, if only six book, it will be around £400 pp (all plus VAT). Please book with Sonia: [email protected], she will invoice you.