GAMBICA guest blog 2

17 Oct 2024

The next GAMBICA guest blog is here! This new project will allow members to create content about an industry issue that’s important to them. Whether it’s the skills gap, sustainability in our sectors or the importance of standards – we can’t wait to share more thoughts from our members through this platform.

This edition we have Dave Board from Yokogawa talking to us about why standards are so important in our industries. Dave chairs GAMBICA’s Process Measurement and Control Systems Group (PMCSG) and has excellent expertise when it comes to standards.

The importance of standards

Standards, by definition, refer to a set of documents that provide requirements, specifications, guidelines or characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure the materials, products, and services are fit for purpose. In nutshell, they provide the best way of doing something.

So, what can I write about the importance of standards? Well, I could write about how standards make the world a better, safer place. How they play a crucial role in achieving net-zero emissions by providing a clear framework and consistent guidelines for organisations, governments, and individuals to follow. I could write about how ISO 14001 has provided a framework for effective environmental management systems, helping organizations reduce their environmental impact or how ISO 9001 is a globally recognized standard for quality management that helps organisations of all sizes and sectors to improve their performance, meet customer expectations and demonstrate their commitment to quality. I could even bring in that for organisations who are serious about improving employee safety, reducing workplace risks and creating better, safer working conditions, there’s ISO 45001.

BUT I won’t, I’m going to write about how participating in the creation of standards has a very positive impact on yourself and your company, basically “What’s in it for me and my company?”

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, standards play a crucial role in ensuring consistency, safety, and interoperability across various industries. But what can you gain from being actively involved in standards activities, such as to maintain or update existing standards or even create entirely new standards? Here are some compelling reasons to consider:

1. Professional growth and networking

Participating in a standard committee provides a unique opportunity to connect with and build relationships with industry leaders, experts, and peers across the globe. This networking can lead to valuable collaborations, mentorship, career advancement and friendships. You are at the forefront of industry developments, gaining insights that can enhance your professional knowledge and skills.

2. Influence and Impact

By contributing to the development of standards, you have the chance to shape the future of your industry. Your input can help set benchmarks that improve quality, safety, and efficiency. This influence not only benefits your organization but also the broader community and industry.

3. Staying ahead of the curve

Being involved in standards activities keeps you informed about the latest trends, technologies, and regulatory requirements. This proactive approach allows you and your organisation to anticipate changes and adapt your strategies, accordingly, giving you a competitive edge.

4. Enhanced credibility and reputation

Active participation in standards development can enhance your credibility and reputation within your industry. It demonstrates your commitment to excellence and your willingness to contribute to the greater good. This recognition can open doors to new opportunities and establish you as a thought leader and subject matter expert.

5. Access to resources and knowledge

Standards organizations, such as BSI, IEC, or ISO often provide access to a wealth of resources, including research, publications, and training. These resources can support your ongoing education and help you stay current with the best practices and innovations.

6. Knowledge sharing

Knowledge gained from working alongside industrial leaders and experts can become pearls of wisdom, which when shared within the organisation can uplift the competence of the entire team. Experiences – good or bad – obtained within your company can be shared outside of the organisation to help make the standards further robust and powerful.

7. Personal satisfaction

There is a real sense of fulfilment that comes from knowing you’re making a positive impact to the industry, especially when a standard you’ve been working on is published.  Contributing to standards activities allows you to give back to your industry and help create a safer, more efficient, and more reliable world.

8. Communication and interpersonal skills

Standards committees often involve experts from multiple different backgrounds, work cultures, languages and thought processes. While there remains a common sense of purpose, there can be differences of opinions too.  This entails a unique opportunity to develop wider communication skills of listening to others, building a common consensus and reaching a common goal of publishing the standard in a timely manner.

9. Organisational benefits

Yokogawa is a standards based organisation, it has standards representation globally and the team is headed up by our Chief Standards Officer.  Having employees involved in standards activities leads to improved processes, products, and services. It ensures that Yokogawa is aligned with industry standards, which enhances customer trust and satisfaction.

Getting involved in standards activities offers a multitude of benefits, from professional growth and networking to influencing industry practices and staying ahead of the curve. Whether you’re an individual looking to advance your career or an organisation aiming to improve its operations, participating in standards development is a valuable investment.

Are you ready to make a difference and reap the rewards of being involved in standards activities for you and your company? Join a standards organisation today and start contributing to the future of your industry!

Click here and here if you’re interested in becoming a standards maker.

The IEC General Assembly will be hosted by BSI in Edinburgh from the 21-25 October 2024, the last time the UK hosted the IEC GA was 35 years ago! At this prestigious event Yokogawa is extremely pleased to be co-sponsoring the dedicated Net-Zero day, providing thought leadership from passionate leaders in the field. Find out more here.