Process Measurement, Control & Systems Group (PMCSG)
GAMBICA’s Process Measurement, Control & Systems Group (PMCSG) is comprised contacts with an interest in technical and compliance matters which may have an impact on business operation now or in the future, with a general emphasis on the Process Instrumentation & Control Sector. This includes the discussion of, and involvement in, standardisation activities (national, European and international), relevant directives (EMC, LVD, RED) and environmental regulations (RoHS, REACH, WEEE), as well as discussion on certification of products.
Interest group crossover exists from the Flammable Atmosphere’s Group (FLAG) and Environmental Regulatory Group (ERG).
Typical job roles of PMCSG members include: Technical Director, Design Engineer, Quality Manager, Product Manager, Compliance Engineer, Product Specialist, Business Development Manager
The group meets 2 times per year, usually around April and November. Members who sit on standards committees are expected to supply reports (written or in person) on the activities of those committees. All members are encouraged to actively engage and share issues with potential business impact.
Committees of Interest
IEC TC 66, BSI EPL/66 - Safety of measuring, control and laboratory equipment
Preparation of safety standards for test and measurement equipment, industrial-process control equipment, and laboratory equipment wherever they are used.
See below for UK and International committee dashboard links giving details of membership, committee officers, scope, liaisons, structure, publications issued along with their stability dates and work programmes:
EPL/66 - Safety of measuring, control and laboratory equipment
IEC/TC 66 - Safety of measuring, control and laboratory equipment
IEC TC 65, CENELEC/TC 65X and BSI GEL/65 - Industrial-process measurement, control and automation
Preparation of international standards for systems and elements used for industrial-process measurement and control concerning continuous and batch processes. To co-ordinate the standardization of those features of related elements which affect suitability for integration into such systems. The work of standization outlined above is to be carried out in the international fields for equipment and systems operating with electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical or other systems of measurement and/or control.
See below for UK, European and International committee dashboard links giving details of membership, committee officers, scope, liaisons, structure, publications issued along with their stability dates and work programmes:
BSI GEL/65 - Measurement and control
CLC/TC 65X - Industrial-process measurement, control and automation
IEC/TC 65 - Industrial-process measurement, control and automation
IEC SC 65A, BSI GEL/65/1 - System aspects
Preparation of international standards regarding the generic aspects of systems used in industrial process measurement, control and manufacturing automation: operational conditions (including EMC), methodology for the assessment of systems, functional safety, etc. SC65A also has a safety pilot function to prepare standards dealing with functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic systems.
See below for UK and International committee dashboard links giving details of membership, committee officers, scope, liaisons, structure, publications issued along with their stability dates and work programmes:
IEC SC 65B, BSI GEL/65/2 - Measurement and control devices
Preparation of international standards in the field of specific aspects of devices (hardware and software) used in industrial process measurement and control, such as measurement devices, analysing equipment, actuators, and programmable logic controllers, and covering such aspects as interchangeability, performance evaluation, and functionality definition.
See below for UK and International committee dashboard links giving details of membership, committee officers, scope, liaisons, structure, publications issued along with their stability dates and work programmes:
IEC SC 65C, BSI GEL/65/3 - Industrial networks
Preparation of standards on wired, optical and wireless industrial networks for industrial-process measurement, control and manufacturing automation, as well as for instrumentation systems used for research, development and testing purposes. The scope includes cabling, interoperability, co-existence and performance evaluation.
See below for UK, European and International committee dashboard links giving details of membership, committee officers, scope, liaisons, structure, publications issued along with their stability dates and work programmes:
BSI GEL/65/3 - Industrial communications: process measurement and control, including fieldbus
Electromagnetic compatibility committees
Preparation of standards and technical reports in the field of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), with particular emphasis on general application and use by product committees. (Horizontal function). Scope includes the following aspects of EMC:
- Immunity and related items, over the whole frequency range: basic and generic standards
- Emission in the low frequency range (f <= 9 kHz, e.g. harmonics and voltage fluctuations): basic, generic and product (family) standards
- Emission in the high frequency range (f > 9 kHz): disturbances not covered by CISPR 10 (1992), in co-ordination with CISPR (e.g. mains signalling)
Horizontal Safety Function: Electromagnetic compatibility in so far as safety aspects are involved.
See below for UK, European and International committee dashboard links giving details of membership, committee officers, scope, liaisons, structure, publications issued along with their stability dates and work programmes:
GEL/210 - EMC - Policy committee
GEL/210/11 - EMC - Standards Committee
IEC TC 77 - Electromagnetic compatibility
IEC CISPR - International special committee on radio interference
IEC ACEC - Advisory Committee on Electromagnetic Compatibility